How Cinebody Names Your Files When You Download Them

Here's what's new with Cinebody's file-naming convention and how it can help you keep track of downloaded footage outside of the platform.

Previously, downloaded Cinebody clips we're assigned a file name that identified the project that the clip came from, the date/time that it was downloaded, and in what order. This did the job for most, but for projects with a high volume of submissions, this naming convention sometimes made identifying a clip tricky outside of the platform.

So to increase our utility as a production tool for all sorts of uses and levels of experience, we've updated our file naming convention so that it assigns a more precise identity to each clip that you download,

Now, file names will communicate who filmed a clip, what project it came from, what shot type it's associated with, and in what order it was filmed if, for example, a user films multiple takes to the same shot. This convention is as follows: 

UserFirstNameLastName_ProjectName_ShotName-Shot Clip Number

For example, if user Jake Brumbaugh is a part of a Cinebody project named "Company Culture" and he films 4 clips to a shot called "Team Building", the second clip that he filmed would be assigned the following file name after being downloaded:


Note that the "-002" at the end of the file communicates in what order the shot was filmed by the user, not the order in which it was downloaded by you.


Caution: Make sure that all shots in the shot list are given a unique title. If a user films clips to different shots that share the same title, those shots will be given the same file name. Your computer may interpret these clips as duplicates of one another which could cause issues when batch downloading.