How do I onboard my filmers?

This guide will walk you through a few ways that you can get your filmers to join your project and start filming for you.

With a Smart Link

Go to your project settings and locate your project’s smart link.

  • You can send this to the desired participant(s) via text or email.
  • It will navigate the user to join your project in the fastest way possible based on the device they are accessing it from. 
  • For the best results, instruct your filmers to click the link from the device that they will be using to film (their mobile device).

When a participant clicks on this link on an iPhone: 

  • It will navigate them to the app store and prompt them to download the app. Once the app is downloaded, they'll be prompted to sign in OR create a free account. 
  • Then, they’ll be automatically added to the project so they can view the shot list and film some awesome content in the app. 

When a participant clicks this link on an Android or any other non-iOS device:

  • They’ll be directed to Cinebody’s mobile or desktop browser and be asked to sign in OR create a free account.
  • Then, they’ll be automatically added to the project associated with the link.
  • Here, they’ll be able to view the shot list and then film on their native camera.
  • When they’re finished, they can click the blue ‘upload’ button on the project to upload their footage from their native camera, hard drive, desktop, and select which shot the clip is associated with so things stay organized
  • Cinebody can accept a number of footage types such as GoPro, RED, Fs7...really anything. Click here for more information.

Recommended: For the best results, instruct participants to access the smart link from the device that they will be filming with, not from their computer. 

With a Join Code: 

Go to your project settings and locate your project’s join code. 

  • This is a 1-5 digit, non-case-sensitive code that is specific to your project. It can not be replicated across the entire Cinebody platform. Once you set it is, it is yours.
  • You can send this code to your desired participants however you see fit.
  • Once they enter this code on either the app (recommended), the desktop platform, or mobile browser, they'll automatically join and become a filmer for that project.   

Recommended: If onboarding participants with the smart link, it is best to also include the join code as a backup.

Directly & Independently 

  1. When onboarding filmers directly, it’s always best to ensure that they are given as much information as possible about the project so they know how to film, what to film, when to film, and have a good time doing it. We’ve developed a few ways to do this. 
  2. Click here to view a few email templates we recommend sending to filmers whom you are onboarding directly. Feel free to include your smart link!

Filmer Success Checklist

Did I...

  • Provide participants with info about the project directly when sending them the smart link OR include this info in the project description? This will ensure they get it right the first time.  
  • Instruct participants to access the smart link from their mobile device (if applicable)?
  • Make sure shots in the shot list are appropriately named and are accompanied by an informative and specific shot description?
  • Designate someone from my team as the point of contact whom participants can contact for project questions?
  • Direct participants to our FAQ video portal for technical or production questions? 
  • If applicable, utilize the templates above to give my filmers the materials so they can easily access and participate in the project?