How To Add A Team Admin

Watch the video below to see how you can add a new admin to your team so that they can manage projects.

Step-By-Step Instructions 

  1. Navigate to your 'team page'. You can access it by clicking your team's tab under your account tab on the navigation bar on the left-hand side of the platform. 
  2. When you are on your team's page, you'll see a list of your team's projects on the left and a list of your team admins to the right. Click the "Add an Admin" button under "Team Admins." 
  3. Next, simply type the email belonging to the admin you wish to add and click the "Invite" button. A templated email will be sent to that person giving them instructions on how to join. They'll be given Team Admin permissions upon first logging in.

Caution: Team admins have access to and control of and of all projects associated with a Team. If you wish to have a separate set of projects and admins, your organization may consider adding additional Team(s).