How To Select Or Reject A Clip

The 'Selects' tool allows you to select or reject footage based on its quality and usability. Watch the videos below to see how to select or reject a clip and how to access the "selected" or "rejected" folders.

'Selecting' a Clip.

'Selected' footage is good footage that you are likely to use in your edit. Here's how to mark a clip as a 'select.'

Step-By-Step Instructions

1. Hover over the clip what you want to make a 'select.'

2. At the top of the clip's thumbnail, click the 'checkmark' icon once until it turns blue. A checkmark that is already blue indicates that a clip has already been 'selected.'  

3. Repeat the above steps until you've identified all of your 'selected' footage. 'Selects' will remain selected unless you manually change their status, so take as long as you need to review.

4. Access all of this footage in the same area by enabling the 'selects' filter and clicking the "Selected" option on the dropdown menu.  

5. Batch Download this footage by clicking "Generate Selects Link." More instruction on downloading selects here. 

'Rejecting' a Clip.

'Rejected' footage is bad footage that you will not or can not use in your edit for whatever reason. Here's how to mark a clip as 'rejected.' 

Step-By-Step Instructions

1. Hover over the clip what you want to 'reject.'

2. At the top of the clip's thumbnail, click the 'checkmark' twice or until it turns red. A checkmark that is already red indicates that a clip has already been 'rejected.' You can turn a 'selected' clip into a 'rejected' clip by clicking the blue 'checkmark' until it turns red.

3. Repeat the above steps until you've identified all of your 'selected' and 'rejected' footage. 'rejected' clips will remain rejected unless you manually change their status, so take as long as you need to review.

4. Access all of your rejected footage in the same area by enabling the 'selects' filter and clicking the "Rejected" option on the dropdown menu.