Now that you've filmed your clips on your native camera, you'll need to assign them to a shot type and upload them so that they can be used. Watch the video below to see how it's done.
Step-By-Step Instructions
- After you have finished filming all of your clips or are ready to upload a batch, head back to the project's clips page identified by a grey 'grid' icon at the top right of the page. It will be the left-most option.
- Once on the clips page, click the blue "Upload" button at the top-left of the page.
- Make sure to select the shot that pertains to the footage you are going to upload BEFORE selecting your clips so that they are categorized correctly. You will not be able to recategorize clips after you queue them for upload.
- Once you have a shot selects, click the box reading "Click or Drag & Drop to Upload." This will bring up your device's file manager.
- Navigate to your clips according to where they live on your device.
- Select the clips that you want to upload to the shot category you previously chose and then click "Done" at the bottom of your screen. Your clips will automatically begin to upload.
- When your clips have been uploaded successfully, you'll see a green notification reading "Upload successful."
Note: There may be a slight delay between when you get the "Upload successful" notifications and when your clips become visible on the clips page. If you don't see your clips after a small delay, try refreshing the page. You should now see your clips.