Onboarding E-mail Template

If you're reaching out to your potential filmers to onboard them to a project, you'll want to make sure that your onboarding email is clear & concise. Below is a template that you can use & customize accordingly.

Onboarding E-mail Template

This template is designed to educate your filmers on the project, quickly explain what Cinebody is, and provide simple instructions on how to join the project.

Hello XXX,

We at (ORGANIZATION NAME) are creating a video and we need your help filming some of the content. To do this, we will be using the Cinebody app that allows you to easily film & upload your footage with your phone.

Simply follow the instructions below to download the Cinebody app and join the project. From there, you will see a list of items to film (a shot list). Once you are done filming in the app, everything will automatically upload for us to review and use in our final video. It shouldn't take too much of your time to participate, and it should be a lot of fun!

We look forward to seeing what you film, and if possible please film everything by (DEADLINE).

So, let's get started!

Watch this short video: How to Join & Film with the iOS App

Step 1

- Click this link to download & sign up for Cinebody (link Smart Link) in the fastest way possible
- It'll navigate you to the App store to download Cinebody on your iOS device. Once downloaded, simply create an account & you'll be brought into the project

Already have the app + an account?
- Simply sign in and enter the project code to join: XXXXX

Step 2
- Have a quick look at the shot list in the project, which provides simple directions on what to film
- No need to memorize anything, as you'll have access to this list while filming

Step 3
- It's filming time! Click the green camera icon to open the Cinebody camera, tap the red record button to start filming, and tap it again to stop (just like any camera)
- Once you finish recording, the clip will automatically upload to the project for us to see

Additional Instructions
For additional information on how to join the project, recommendations on what to film, or instructions on how to upload footage filmed outside of the app, please reference the attached PDF or the Cinebody app FAQ.

Don't Have An iPhone?

You can still join and film on your Android or other device using the link about and then manually upload your footage by following these steps.
Thank you for participating in this project. We can't wait to see what you film!

Still have Questions? 

For project questions, please contact (project manager’s info).

For technical support, please contact support@cinebody.com or send a message via the in-app support function.